Loveless, MS, CSP
President, Loveless Enterprises, Inc.
President and Founder, Loveless Enterprises, Inc.,
(SLC, Utah) 1990 to present
Marketing Director, Bonneville Pacific Corporation,
(SLC, Utah) 1989-1990
Vice President, Public Finance, Drexel Burnham Lambert,
(SLC, Utah)1985->88
Regional Public Affairs Officer, U.S. Bureau of
Reclamation, Upper Colorado Region, (Colorado, Utah, Arizona, Wyoming,
Nevada, New Mexico) 1979-1985
Public Involvement Officer, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation,
Engineering & Research Center, (Denver, Colorado), 1978-1979
Public Information Specialist and Editor, Reclamation
Era, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Headquarters Office, (Washington,
D.C.), 1971-1978
George Washington University, Doctoral program,
area of focus: quantitative data analysis. Dissertation topic: Public
Involvement in Government Decision Making. All but dissertation defense
American University: Masters of Science,
Public Relations, Honor Graduate, GPA: 3.9, 1975
University of Utah: Bachelor of Arts, Political
Science, Phi Beta Kappa, Cum Laude, 1971
Enterprises, Inc.
Loveless Enterprises, Inc., was founded in 1990 to provide management
consulting, public involvement and consensus-building capabilities to
diverse industries, including transportation, water, electric and energy
in the United States. It also offers a full range of leadership development
and teambuilding programs; as well as public involvement services including:
strategic planning; public involvement plan writing; coordinating and
facilitating public open houses, hearings, and meetings; writing and publishing
newsletters; dealing with the media; conducting public opinion research
and analyzing data; making public presentations; and preparing final reports
on all public issues and events.
Dunn and Bradstreet recently surveyed Loveless Enterprises' customers on seven criteria. Loveless received an overall company rating of 1.14 with 1 = Exceeds Expectations, 3 = Meets Expectations and 5 = Below Expectations. Loveless received a perfect score of 1 on Problem Responsiveness, Quality of Product or Service, and Attitude of Personnel.
Loveless Enterprises, Inc. has provided services to over 100 federal agencies, such private corporations as AT&T, 3 M Corporation, and DuPont; numerous state agencies and local governments; and such universities as the University of Texas, Boston University, and Clemson University.
Loveless, MS, CSP, Professional Speaker
As a professional speaker, Kathy has earned the speaking industry's highest
earned award, the Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) award. Conferred
by the National Speakers Association in Philadelphia July 1998, it is
awarded only to those accomplished speakers (about 8% of its international
membership) who have earned it by meeting strict criteria. She is the
only Utah woman to have earned it.
As an international speaker and author, she designs and presents programs to help corporations, associations, and governmental agencies become more productive and deal with change. Some of her more than 300 different clients include: the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency and over 100 other Federal Governmental agencies; International Trade Conference, Gifu, Japan; American Forces Network, Frankfurt, Germany; International Congress on Irrigation and Drainage, Morocco, Africa; National Council of Structural Engineering Associations, American Public Power Association.
"The Loveless Award"
In 2001, The National Speakers Associtaion, Utah Chapter created "The Loveless Award" in recognition of Kathy's "service, excellence and dedication to the professional speaking industry." This was featured on the national reality television show, "Makeover Story" that has aired numerous times, nationally and internationally. "The Loveless Award" is given annually to a professional speaker.
Involvement Experience
Since 1971, Ms. Loveless has been actively involved in all aspects of
public involvement including: planning strategy, creating policy, developing
programs, and implementing activities. She has worked at the headquarter's
level in creating a strategic plan and has worked at the field level presenting
the program to the public.
Loveless Enterprises, Inc., has been hired to plan and conduct public involvement activities on many contracts, some of the firms to which it has been a subcontractor include: Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade & Douglas, Inc.; Montgomery Watson Consulting Engineers, Inc.; Resource Management International, Inc.; Eckhoff, Watson, and Praetor Engineering; Bingham Engineering; Bookman Edmundson Engineers; and others. The public involvement activities deal with environmental studies, interstate freeway impact issues and other transportation issues, water rate pricing structures, statewide water management and conservation studies, land use plans, and more
Beginning in Washington, D.C. , Kathy helped develop the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation's regulations and operating manual on public involvement. I 1978 she was appointed Reclamation's first Public Involvement Officer for the 17 Western States. Working out of the Engineering and Research Center in Denver, she helped offices throughout the West plan and implement their public involvement programs.
In 1979, she was appointed the Regional Public Affairs Officer for Reclamation's 7-state Upper Colorado Region. In that capacity she was responsible for developing public involvement programs and public involvement training for managers. On her own time, she conducted 6 years of public involvement research as part of her Ph.D. dissertation at George Washington University in Washington, D.C. Her Masters of Science degree from American University, also in Washington, D.C. focused on the skills necessary to deal with the public and media in public involvement programs.
She has published nationally on public involvement topics and she has been the keynote speaker for national engineering, environmental, energy, water resources, and economic conferences where she addressed various aspects of public involvement. She is currently completing a book on public involvement entitled, Public Involvement: No Longer a Choice. It will be published by Ensign Publishing, Inc., and is based on extensive research about which public involvement activities help and which hinder project development.
The following are some of the projects on which Kathy Loveless has directed, planned, analyzed, and/or conducted public involvement and public affairs work and/or developed and presented partnering workshops:
Consulting -Transportaion Projects
Consulting: Water, Energy and Environmental Projects:
Consulting - Management Improvement, Sucession Planning, Survey Research, etc.
Management Retreats
Kathy has planned and conducted numerous management improvement retreats for such organizations as the Imperial Irrigation District, the Pacific Northwest Region of the Bureau of Reclamation, Montgomery Watson Engineers, Austin Capitol Metro and many others. These include sessions on implementing the decision matrix for boards of directors, vision and mission sessions, team building and leadership excellence
Succession Planning
Planning for the next level of leaders to move into place is challenging for most organizations. Kathy has conducted the research for and implemented succession planning programs for such organizations as the U.S. Railroad Administration, Washington, D.C., and the 190th Air Refuling Wing of the Kansas Air National Guard.
Survey Research
Surveying the opinions of customers and employees is a part of nearly every project Kathy undertakes. She uses interview schedules for one-on-one interviews, survey questionaires administered through a variety of mediums and always creates an executive summary for decision makers for each project. Some projects include enviornmental studies, power and water customer usage, employee concerns, and manager attitudes.
Beginning in 1971 in Washington D.C. as a public information specialist and editor of a national magazine, Ms. Loveless worked with the national press corps, national wire services and numerous other communication outlets. She received the "Gold Screen Award" from the National Association of Government Communicators for her communications work and the "Special Achievement Award" from the U.S. Department of the Interior for her writing and editing work.
As Reclamation's Public Involvement Officer, she planned, analyzed, implemented public involvement programs and created the products for their execution (slide shows, brochures, questionnaires, videotapes, etc.) She dealt with highly controversial issues and with divergent publics who were both supportive and opposed to the projects. She served on the Public Involvement Advisory Task Force of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation that wrote the public involvement policy and implementation manual.
As the Upper Colorado Regional Public Affairs Officer, she supervised a staff of communication experts and presented information to international, national and local press, radio, and television stations. During the flooding of the Colorado River and its tributaries in 1983 and 1984, she handled inquiries from throughout the world. For her work with the public and media, she received the U.S. Department of the Interior's "Superior Service Award."
In 1984 she was appointed Director of Media for the 12th World Congress and handled media activities for 78 foreign countries. This work earned her the "Special Award of Distinction" from the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage.
She was an official spokesperson in the 1988 gubernatorial race, and has handled the media activities for numerous nonprofit organizations since then.
Chair and Board member, College of Social and Behavioral
Science, U of U, 1994-2004
Chair-Elect, Independent Energy Producers of California, 1989-1990
Chair, Regulatory Committee, Independent Energy Producers of California,
President, Federal Executives Association, 1984-1985
President, American Society for Public Administration, 1985-1986
President, Utah Speakers Association of the National Speakers Association,
Board member, College of Engineering, Utah State University, 1992-1999
Board member, Salt Lake City Public Utilities, 1991-1993
Chair, Utah Math/Science Network Conference, 1989-1990
CSP Certified Speaking
Professional, National Speakers
Association, conferred only on those accomplished speakers (about 8% of
its international membership) who have earned it by meeting strict criteria,
Philadelphia, PA, 1998.
Superior Service Award. U. S. Department
of the Interior, Washington, D.C., 1983, "for exceptional talent,
initiative, and resourcefulness in carrying out responsibilities."
Special Award of Distinction. International
Commission on Irrigation and Drainage, 1984, "for outstanding service
at the 12th World Congress" (working with the media from 78 countries).
Special Achievement Award. U.S. Bureau of
Reclamation, 1972 "for editing and developing the national publication,
Reclamation Era."
Chapter Member of the Year. Utah Chapter
of the National Speakers Association, awarded in Orlando, Florida, 1992.
Spirit of the American Woman Award. J.C.
Penney Corporation, Dallas, Texas, 1989, "for outstanding contribution
to career and community."
Silver Screen Award. International Film Festival,
Chicago, Illinois., 1984, as Executive Producer of the production "The
Spillways at Glen Canyon."
First Place Award. Professional Video Show,
1984, as Executive Producer of the production,"1983: A Record Water
First Place Award. Salt Lake Video Festival,
1985, as Executive Producer of the production, "Challenge at Glen
Junior Distinguished Service Award. (under
age 35 category). Federal Executives Association of Utah, 1983 "for
outstanding Federal and community service."
Outstanding Women of the Year. Salt Lake
Jaycees, 1980, "for excellence in caree, community welfare, and educational
Gold Screen Award. National Association of
Government Communicators, Washington, D.C., 1978, "for slide tape
presentation, 'What is Reclamation.'"
Outstanding Women of America. Fuller and
Dees, Inc., Washington, D.C., 1976, "for successful career accomplished."
Woman of the Month. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation,
U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington, D. C., 1975, "for outstanding
contributions to employment."
Distinguished Service Award. Federal Executives
Association of Utah, 1981, "for outstanding service in conducting
the Combined Federal Campaign."
Outstanding Area Representative Award. International
Exchange School, 1973.
Published Works by Kathy Loveless
"Staying Competitive-- How to Make Public Involvement Work for Your Energy Project," A Reprint from Energy, Proceedings of the 15th National Industrial Energy Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, March 25, 1993.
"Water Resources Development: A Six Nation Study," paper selected to represent the United States at the 13th World Congress of the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage, Morocco, Africa, September 21 25, 1987. Published in proceedings. Paper also presented at the 10th Technical Conference on Irrigation and Drainage and Flood Control, U.S. Committee on Irrigation and Drainage, Reno, Nevada, November 15, 1985.
"Public Involvement in the 90's" Utah Water News, January 10, 1993.
"Public Involvement Strategies: A Case Study in Citizen Participation," paper presented at WATERPOWER '85, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 26, 1985. Published in proceedings.
"Involving the Public: A Make or Break Decision," paper presented at the American Water Resources Association, National Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, November 3, 1987.
"Reengineering Higher Education," The Human Factor, College of Social and Behavioral Science, University of Utah, Autumn 1995/1996.
"Red Flags And Green Lights--Developers of independent energy facilities can save time and effort by paying attention to the indicators in the competitive bidding process," Independent Energy (Milaca, Minnesota.), May/June 1990, p. 18-20.
"To Bid or Not to Bid," paper presented at the American Cogeneration Association annual meeting, San Francisco, California, September 26, 1990.
"From Stock Market Crash to Privatization New Horizons in Financing Water and Power Projects," Hydro-Review (Kansas City, Missouri), February 1988.
"Innovative Financing Approaches for Water and Power Projects: The Energy Resource Development Associates Approach," paper presented at the Nevada Water Resources Association, Reno, Nevada, February 25, 1987.
"Financing Utility Projects,"Energy Forum: Indian Energy Self Sufficiency Utility Development, published by Council of Energy Resource Tribes, Rapid City, South Dakota, April 1, 1987.
"New Directions in Financing Water and Power Projects," paper presented at WATERPOWER '87, Portland, Oregon, August 20, 1987. Published in proceedings.
"Energy Resource Development Associates A New Approach to Water Project Financing," paper presented at the Colorado Water Congress, Northglen, Colorado, January 24, 1987.
"Water--Has it Been a Sacred Cow of the West?" Paper presented at the Second Annual Conference on the Environmental, Economic and Political Consequences of Water Development, University of Utah, Park City, Utah, September 20, 1989.
"Politics of Water," paper presented at the University of Utah Political Science Department Annual Awards Banquet, May 14, 1987.
"Young People Spur Conservation," Conservation Yearbook The Choices Ahead, Washington, D.C., 1974.
"Responding to the Fury of the Colorado River A Public Affairs Perspective," paper presented at the Specialty Conference on Delineation of Landslide, Flash Flood and Debris Flow Hazards in Utah, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, June 15, 1984. Published in proceedings.
"The Colorado River Tamed?" Colorado Engineer, Denver, Colorado:
November 1983. pp 9 11,28.
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