"What sets Kathy apart from other speakers is her willingness to research an organization and become very industry specific in her presentation."

-Cydney Leonard
Salt Lake Convention and Visitor’s Bureau

"Initially I only expected this class to be interesting and perhaps slightly informative. What an underestimation. I am certain that this three-week seminar has improved my chances of becoming successful more than any class in my eight years of undergraduate and graduate education."
--Marla Williams, Cost Accountant, EIMCO, Salt Lake City, Utah

"Kathy went out of her way to understand the needs of our center and to develop a presentation that would help our managers grow and achieve new levels of excellence." -Ray Child AT&T







You Get Customized Programs -- Created Just for You -- That Meet Your Organization's Specific Needs

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We have worked throughout the world with corporations, governmental agencies, associations, universities and small businesses to create custom solutions to specific problems and we can do the same for you. Email us or call 800-200-0076 or 801-363-1807. Tell us what you need and we'll brainstorm some solutions for you.

In addition to the programs listed under Keynotes and Seminars, here are just a few of the custom topics we have developed into training programs, keynote speeches and consulting projects:

"Worforce Analysis and Succession Planning"

"Creativity in the Workplace--How to Keep the Idea Bulb Burning"

"Tickle Their Funny Bone to Greater Profits--Humor in the Workplace"

"Coaching and Counseling for Greater Performance"

"The 10 Most Powerful Trends in Business and Government"

"Thinking Like a Business"

"The Magic in Entrepreneurial Business Building"

"Involving the Public"

"Attacking the Attitude Virus"

"Creating a Vision of Your Success"

"Dare to Dream"

"The personal growth I have received from this class is beyond comprehension. A day does not pass that I don't refer to some of the material presented and discussed in class. It has opened up a whole new perspective to me, and for that I am grateful."
--Brigitte Hunsaker, supply coordinator, Sandy, Utah

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800-200-0076, 801-363-1807, 801-363-3191 fax, Kathy@LovelessEnterprises.com


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